Focus in Design, Mechanics and Materials
The Focus Specialization in Design, Mechanics and Materials is a general Mechanical Engineering specialization with wide applicability to a range of diverse domains from biomedical to transport (automotive, aerospace, space and rail), advanced manufacturing including additive manufacturing, product development, robotics, sports, energy systems and even buildings. The engineering design and evaluation of mechanical and mechatronic systems is one of the main tasks of a mechanical engineer. The focus, thus, optimally bridges the Bachelor and Master Curriculum by preparing students for a wide variety of subsequent Master studies. It aims to broaden and strengthen the main fundamentals in Mechanical Engineering by introducing state-of-the art methods and tools in engineering design, mechanics, computing and new technologies. This knowledge will enable students to design, analyze, simulate, optimize and test modern mechanical and mechatronic systems.
We are a diverse and active group of 10 professors supporting the focus, thus offering many opportunities for your Bachelor and Master studies. This newly revised focus offers a selection of tailored courses to deepen your knowledge in Design, Mechanics and Materials including computational methods and AI, theoretical methods, product development methods, and experimental methods including testing. Within the focus students can choose a more applied Bachelor thesis topic, including industry projects as well as more theoretical topics in the labs of the professors.
Students can freely select five courses among the list of offered courses, which are summarized below. Several courses from the Master program can already be taken in the Focus Specialization. Please check the course description and obtain permission from the lecturer. One course in addition to those listed can be requested, on approval by the Focus Coordinator.
For Bachelor thesis topics: Please see the websites of the individual labs.
Focus Coordinator: Prof. Dennis Kochmann, Mechanics and Materials Laboratory
Involved Professors:
• Prof. Daniel Ahmed, Acoustic Robotics for Life Sciences and Healthcare
• Prof. Markus Bambach, Advanced Manufacturing Lab
• Prof. Paolo Ermanni, Laboratory of Composite Materials and Adaptive Structures
• Prof. Laura De Lorenzis, Computational Mechanics Group
• Prof. Andreas Kunz, Innovation Center Virtual Reality
• Prof. Eduoardo Mazza, Experimental Continuum Mechanics
• Prof. Mirko Meboldt, pd|z Product Development Group Zurich
• Prof. Dirk Mohr, Computational Modelling of Materials in Manufacturing
• Prof. Kristina Shea, Engineering Design and Computing Laboratory
• Prof. Elizabeth Tilley, Global Health Engineering
• Dr. Paolo Tiso, external page Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Group
Course units offered in Autumn Semester

Course units offered in Spring Semester